WInged Solution: Paranormal Dating Agency Read online



  A Paranormal Dating Agency Story

  Roxanne Witherell

  Winged Solution

  Paranormal Dating Agency

  Copyright 2018 Roxanne Witherell

  Published by MT Worlds Press, Inc.

  Winter Springs, FL 32708

  Cover art by: Glowing Moon Cover Designs

  Edited by: Liz Wilks

  Formatting by Celtic Formatting

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice...shame on me.

  Braelynn Summers had one experience with a shifter and it left her in a coma for three weeks, waking up a sex crazed freak. After three years of living in pain she does the one thing she never expected to do, give in and look to a shifter to satisfy her intense sexual urges.

  Time is running out for Ronan Styles. As a Pegasus shifter, he has until his 38th birthday to find his mate or he will lose his wings and become nothing more than a stallion. He turns to Gerri Wilder and the PDA. Ronan expected to find his mate and continue on with life. He didn’t expect his mate to have a prejudice against shifters.

  Can Braelynn move beyond her prejudice and embrace life with Ronan? Or will her past and his secret be their downfall?


  For all the wonderful readers out there, you keep me going. I want to thank each one of you for your support. This is truly a wonderful adventure that wouldn’t be possible without readers to share my stories with. There’s so much more to share with you.


  I want to send out a special thanks to Milly Taiden for creating the wonderful world of Paranormal Dating Agency. I look forward to writing many more books in the PDA world.


  Three years ago

  Music blared all around Braelynn as she walked back to the table carrying two margaritas. Annette was still on the dance floor with Billy. This was the third night she had met up with him. Braelynn guarded their drinks as she sipped on her margarita. She loved coming out clubbing with Annette. The music was loud enough to vibrate her soul. Swaying with the music she glanced around the crowded club. Mason sat at the end of the bar staring at her. She shivered as a cold chill went up her spine. Taking another sip of her margarita she avoided eye contact. Every time she sees Mason, he asks her out or suggests they hook up for the night. She’s repeatedly told him she’s not that kind of girl. She didn’t go around sleeping with random people. It’s just not her style, but she didn’t judge people who did. Besides, Mason was a wolf shifter, and she was just not into him.

  Taking her mind off Mason, she looked towards the dance floor to find Annette. She hoped Annette would come back to the table soon. The drinks were running straight through her and she really needed to go to the restroom badly. When she noticed Annette making her way through the crowd, Braelynn waved to her letting her know she was going to the restroom. Annette nodded as she made her way toward the table.

  “You haven’t danced with me tonight.” Mason grabbed her wrist, stepping in front of her.

  “I wasn’t planning to.” Braelynn yanked her hand away from him and pushed past him. He grabbed her arm, spinning her around and pinning her against the wall.

  “You shouldn’t fight your feelings for me.” His foul breath had her scrunching her nose. He ran his hand through her hair.

  “All I feel for you is disgust.” She jerked her knee up connecting with his jewels.

  He bent over grabbing his balls. Slipping past him, she ran into the bathroom. Leaning against the door, she hoped he wouldn’t follow her. If he did, hopefully her weight would be enough to keep him on the other side of the door. Suddenly, the door pushed against her back but didn’t open.

  “Braelynn, are you in there?” Annette asked pushing against the door again.

  Braelynn jumped away from the door as Annette pushed again. The door slung open causing Annette to stumble in, nearly crashing to the floor if Braelynn hadn’t caught her.

  “What are you doing?” Annette asked, straightening her skirt.

  “Hiding from Mason. Is he still out there?” Braelynn asked.

  “I saw some guy ordering him to go home. Must be his alpha or something because Mason hung his head and walked out.”

  “Good.” Braelynn sighed with relief.

  “What happened?” Annette asked.

  “Mason didn’t want to take no for an answer. So, I kneed him in the balls and ran in here.” Braelynn explained peeking out the bathroom door.

  “He’s not there.” Annette peeked out too. “So other than pecker head, are you having a good night?”

  “Of course, I’m having a good night.” Her heels clicked against the floor as she went to a stall to take care of business.

  “I think I’m done drinking for the night.” Braelynn announced to Annette when they came out to wash their hands.

  “You’d have more fun if you had another drink.” Annette urged.

  “I’m buzzed now. I’ve had enough. Plus, who do you think is going to drive your ass home?”

  “I hope Billy wants to drive me home tonight.” Annette applied a layer of lipstick.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You’ve only known him a couple of weeks.”

  “Unlike you, I welcome a good sexual invite,” Annette teased.

  “What? I can’t help that I like to be in a good relationship before I jump between the sheets,” Braelynn replied. She was not a prude, nor a virgin. She just didn’t believe in spreading her legs for a lot of men.

  “A relationship isn’t going to happen if you keep turning guys down when they ask you to dance.” Annette cocked an eyebrow at her.

  “Gross, not my type.” Braelynn tossed her balled up paper towel into the trash.

  “Whatever floats your boat. I want Billy to float my boat.” Annette laughed, putting her lipstick in her clutch.

  “You’re bad.” Braelynn held the door open for Annette.

  An hour later, Braelynn had enough of the blaring music. Her buzz now long gone. Annette had been on the dance floor for the last three songs. Annette’s drinking hadn’t slowed and neither had she. At least Billy had the right idea by ordering a soda thirty minutes ago. While they were dancing Braelynn settled the bill. Mason hadn’t been seen since the incident earlier. Annette pointed out the alpha that had sent him away. She had thought about thanking him but when she got beside him he towered over her causing her to lose her thoughts. He was an intimidating man. The love birds were back at the table when she came back.

  “I’m going to head out. Do you need a ride?” Braelynn asked Annette.

  “You’re leaving? It’s nowhere near closing time.”

  “You know, it won’t hurt you to leave before closing either.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Annette laughed.

  “I’ll have fun in the morning when I wake up and I’m not hungover,” Braelynn replied.

  “Yeah, alone.” Annette stuck her tongue out. “Need us to walk you out?”

��No, I’m good. I can make it.” Braelynn gave Annette a quick hug and told her to be careful.

  The moment she stepped out into the cold night air, she was second guessing herself. Why did she have to park so far from the door? If she had gotten out of work on time she could have parked closer. At least most of the parking lot was still lit up. It didn’t keep her from looking around as she made her way towards her car. Taking her keys from her purse, she placed them between her fingers to use as weapons if needed. Slowing at the edge of the light she looked around. Shit. It’s dark.

  The door to the club opened and a group of people filed out. Knowing if she called out someone would hear her, gave her the courage to make a run out to her car. Laying on her windshield was a long stem red rose. Quickly Braelynn looked all around her. She had a feeling Mason left the rose. Grabbing the rose from under her windshield wiper, a thorn pricked her finger. Not wanting anything from him she dropped the rose on the ground. Unlocking the door, she checked the backseat. Confident Mason wasn’t hiding inside, she got in and locked the door. Bursting out in laughter, she ran her hands through her hair.

  “Get a grip, girl.” Putting the keys in the ignition, she cranked up her car.

  As she pulled away from her parking spot, she felt ridiculous for being nervous. When her headlights lit up a light post, Braelynn looked up. That’s why it was dark around her car. The light had gone out. At least she was safe in her car now. No one had been lurking in the darkness. Pulling out onto the main road, she turned away from the city. Every red light she came to, it took her longer and longer for her car to stop.

  “What is going on?” Braelynn asked herself. She’d have to get her brakes checked tomorrow.

  Blinding lights shone through her back window causing her to squint. Adjusting the rear-view mirror, she looked in her side-view mirror. A green truck came close to her bumper. She pumped the brakes to warn him to back off but nothing happened. The pedal reached the floor but the car didn’t slow at all. The truck pulled up beside her. With panic setting in, she glanced over to the truck. Mason waved and had a big grin on his face. He ran a finger across his throat then his truck slowed down. Braelynn looked straight ahead in time to see the yellow light turn red.

  “Shit.” Braelynn slammed her foot on the brake.

  Her car never slowed as she came closer to the intersection. Headlights were coming from the left and right. There was nowhere for her to go. Pumping the brakes, she honked her horn hoping to alert other drivers. She braced herself for the impact that was no doubt coming. Tires squealed. The first car clipped her back end sending her spinning. Before her car could come to a stop, another impact slammed her against the window. Gripping the steering wheel as tight as she could, she planned to ride it out. It was all she could do other than scream. Seconds seemed to take minutes as she was whipped from side to side. Finally, her car stopped. She was alive; she couldn’t believe it. Opening her eyes, she was scared to see the shape of her car. Her car had spun her away from the crash site and down the road 20 feet. As she reached for the door handle, a set of lights appeared in her window. It wasn’t slowing down. Did it not see her? Panicking, she tried to open her door so she could get out. It was jammed, and her leg felt strange. She didn’t have time to register what was happening as the vehicle slammed into her car sending it rolling across the street.


  Present day

  “Have you decided on a venue?” Greyson asked, barging into Ronan’s office. “Rainy said she needs to know soon or she’ll pick one herself.”

  Ronan closed the file in front of him. His birthday was weeks away, and he was already tired of hearing about it.

  “She’s been planning these things for years. I trust her decisions.” Ronan waved off the decision.

  “It’s your thirty-eighth birthday,” Greyson announced as if Ronan had forgot.

  “It’s just another day.”

  “You haven’t even started looking, have you?” Greyson asked in disbelief.

  “The right woman isn’t just going to fall from the sky just because I’m turning thirty-eight.”

  “Exactly, that’s why you have to look.”

  “Greyson, I have looked. For years, I’ve followed your advice and looked for my true mate. I know the right one is out there. I just haven’t found her. In the meantime, there’s plenty of honeys that need some attention.”

  “You keep thinking with your cock and you’ll never find her.”

  “Honestly, I’m in no rush.” Ronan grabbed another folder from the stack on his desk.

  “You should be. If you don’t find your life mate by your thirty-eighth birthday, you lose your wings and with them your ability to fly.”

  Ronan cringed at the thought of not having his wings. There’s nothing more freeing than soaring in the sky. When he first learned of the mating tradition he thought it was bull shit. How does one just lose his wings? That was until he met Greyson and saw the scars. Greyson didn’t believe the tradition was real. The night of his thirty-eighth birthday he went to sleep only to be awoken at midnight in severe pain from his wings being ripped from his soul. Now when he shifts, he’s a black stallion.

  Ronan wasn’t ready to settle down but didn’t want to lose his wings either. It’s hard to find a woman that can handle his massive size. The expression ‘hung like a horse’ has nothing on a Pegasus. Women are usually too sore for a second go ‘round with him. He’s lucky he doesn’t break them in two. Greyson hooked him up with some fine mare shifters but none were his true mate. Although they worked wonders on his sexual tension.

  “This sucks ass.” Ronan leaned back in his chair. “I don’t see why you have to find a mate to keep your wings. It’s complete bullshit.”

  “I agree with you there, but there’s no other way.” Greyson sat in the chair in front of Ronan’s desk.

  “What do you suggest then? Take out an ad in the paper.” Ronan was being sarcastic but the way Greyson was looking he may have taken him seriously. “I’m not taking an ad out in the paper.”

  “No, but that got me thinking. You should give Gerri Wilder a call.” Greyson sat forward in his chair.

  “Who? Why does that sound familiar?”

  “Gerri runs Paranormal Dating Agency and from what Rainy told me she’s impressively good at her matchmaking skills.”

  “Greyson, I think this is beyond a dating app. I have one month.”

  “It’s not an app. Just give her a call. Tell her about yourself and what you’re looking for.” Greyson dug his phone from his pocket to retrieve the phone number. “I wish I had known about Paranormal Dating Agency when I was about to turn thirty-eight. If I had, I may still have my wings.”

  Greyson wrote the number down on the back of a business card then slid it over to Ronan.

  “I really think you should give her a call. You’re running out of time.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Ronan turned the card over in his hand and looked at the number.

  He heard of Paranormal Dating Agency before. Thinking back, he remembered meeting a short woman with white hair at a charity event last year. If he remembered correctly she offered her services to him then. Not wanting to be match-made, he turned her down. Gerri specialized in shifter/human relations. Ronan doubted there was a human out there that could take him with pleasure. It normally took a durable shifter to take him. She was positive she could help him last year, maybe she still could. He didn’t want to settle down, but if the right woman was out there, who knows what could happen.

  Pulling his chair slightly closer to his desk, Ronan reached for the phone. He’ll give it a try. Hell, he had less than a month. He had until his birthday. He hesitated for a moment. What kind of man calls a dating service? He had no problem finding women. His problem was finding the right woman. He dialed the number Greyson wrote down.

  Luck was on his side. Gerri happened to be in town for a social gathering and agreed to stop by his office on her way. She’d be there withi
n the hour. He mentally prepared for the type of questions she’d be asking. Although he hoped it was a little more sophisticated than that. Ronan had no clue in what he wanted in a mate. Maybe an exotic mare shifter, he thought. A knock on the door alerted him to a visitor.

  “Ms. Wilder, I’m glad you could make it on such short notice.” Ronan reached out his hand.

  “Please, call me Gerri. I had hoped we would have done this last year. It would’ve saved us both a lot of time.” She shook his hand.

  “How were you so sure I needed your services?” He offered her a seat in the sitting area of his office then took the seat opposite her.

  “You’re rare. You have unique needs. Normal won’t be enough to satisfy you,” she enlightened him. “Fortunately, I have a woman in mind that will be perfect.”

  “Already, really? No questions?”

  “Like I said, I had hoped to have done this last year. I notice people, Ronan. I have good instincts on what others need. Now I just have to see if she’s up for it.”

  “Ms. Wilder.”

  “Gerri,” she insisted.

  “Gerri,” he obliged. “I’m not sure you know what type of shifter I am.”

  “I do. You’re a Pegasus. I don’t see where that would matter.”

  “I’m a rather large man.” He was trying to put things delicately.

  “Well, I would think you’re hung like a horse.” She bobbed her head as if she stated the obvious.

  “Okay then.” Ronan ran his hand through his hair. He didn’t think he’d be discussing the size of his dick with the elderly woman. “There’s a fundraiser in three weeks. It’s just before my birthday. You have until then to work your magic.”

  “Ronan, I imagine the two of you will be in full swing of things by then.” Gerri stood. “I’ll call you with more details.”

  “I look forward to hearing from you then.” Ronan escorted her to the door