Bite My Bengal: Paranormal Dating Agency (Heads N' Tails Book 3) Read online

Page 7

  “You know, I happen to know for a fact that two of your best friends will be at Heads N’ Tails tonight. I was thinking maybe you would like to go out and grab a drink?”

  “After the last couple of days, a drink sounds great.” She squeezed passed him and headed for the stairs. “I’ll go get ready. Trust me I won’t be long.”

  He didn’t think she would. It was one of the things he liked about her. She was natural. If she was wearing any makeup at all, he couldn’t tell. To him, she was still more beautiful than the models on tv. Her hair wasn’t unnaturally colored. She let the gray strands grow where they willed. He finished the measurements and waited for her downstairs. A couple of minutes later she came down the stairs. She had changed into a blue blouse, tight pants, and black boots the came half way up her calf.

  “Damn, kitten. You look gorgeous,” he commented.

  “Thank you,” she spoke softly. “Ready to go?”

  “Yeah, I’m all finished. I’ll get started on it tomorrow,” he assured her and took her hand in his.

  Hand in hand they left the bakery. She locked up behind them and they walked across the street to his truck. He opened the passenger side door for her and helped her in. He kissed her cheek before closing the door and rushed around to the driver side.

  “What level are we going to? I know each of the levels are different,” BJ spoke when he got in the truck.

  “Bryan said they’ll be on level fifteen. It’s like a theatre of sorts with live performances from what I hear.” He started the truck. “Everybody should be there by now.”

  “Hmm, I’ve never been to that level. I’ve only been to the restaurant on level eighteen.”

  “Then it will be the first time for both of us. I don’t normally go out. I usually just work and home.”

  “That’s about like me, work and relax.”

  It didn’t take long for them to get to Heads N’ Tails since it was only nine blocks away from the bakery. After parking in the parking garage, he opened the passenger door for her. They held hands as they walked inside. Dare signed them in with Tyra at the lobby’s front desk then went to the elevator. Bryan had assured him Tyra would add level fifteen to his membership card.

  “Tell me more about your cabin,” BJ said as the elevator door closed. “What do you do to relax?”

  “Other than spend time with my feisty kitten?” He pulled her close and pressed his lips against hers. “I’m a simple man. My cabin is a small two bedroom. I like playing my guitar by a campfire or relaxing in the hot tub. There’s a small lake not far from the cabin. It’s a nice fishing spot.”

  “I love fishing. It’s the thrill of the fight I get a kick out of.” She smiled up at him.

  “You’re my kind of woman, kitten.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  They arrived on level fifteen and the elevator dinged before the doors opened. At the end of a short hall, double doors opened into the theatre cub. It’s fancier than Dare had expected. Though it didn’t surprise him. Bryan and Tony put a lot of thought into each level.

  They weaved through the tables looking for Bryan and the group. Dare spotted Tony with a tray of drinks and pointed him out to BJ. They turned in that direction and followed Tony to the group.

  “You made it,” Annette squealed when she noticed BJ.

  “Well, Dare said you two would be here. I couldn’t resist.” BJ gave Annette a hug. “Dare, I want you to meet Braelynn and her husband Ronan. You already know Annette, Bryan, and Tony. So, I won’t bother with introductions.”

  Dare shook their hands and pulled a chair out for BJ. He excused himself to fetch them some drinks since everyone already had theirs. He could have waited on the waitress, but the room was packed, so it would probably take a while. He ordered BJ a Fuzzy Navel and a draft beer for himself. He grabbed the drinks off the bar and headed back to the table. He set the Fuzzy Navel in front of BJ. She took a quick sniff before taking a sip.

  “How did you know?” She took a second sip.

  “I remember everything you tell me. You said it was your favorite. You’ve had a rough day and deserve your favorite drink,” he replied and kissed her cheek.

  “She needs vodka after almost turning into an ice cube,” Annette stated. “Next time Sandra comes around get a round of shots for everyone.”

  “I’ll go get a round.” Bryan stood up.

  “Thanks.” Annette gave Bryan a kiss then he leaned over and kissed Tony before getting up from the table.

  “I wouldn’t have turned into an ice cube. I was in the cooler, remember?” BJ took another sip of her drink.

  “Your lips were blue.” Annette glared at BJ.

  “How long were you in there?” Dare asked and put his arm around her shoulder.

  “Only about an hour.” BJ shrugged. “Thankfully it wasn’t the freezer or I would have been in trouble.”

  “I wonder if that’s the reason for trapping you in there,” Dare suggested. “If you were gone, someone would be able to buy the property.”

  “I was thinking the same thing earlier. I’ll be glad when the cameras are installed. That way, next time, I’ll have all the proof the cops need to charge that asshole.”

  “I can’t believe someone would do that just to get their hands on some property,” Annette commented.

  “You would be amazed at the length people will go for things they want,” Ronan told Annette. “BJ, were you thinking about selling?”

  “No, and especially not to him. I don’t like the type that think they can get what they want by throwing their money in people’s faces. I can’t be bought,” BJ told Ronan.

  “Take precautions. They don’t take no for an answer very well,” Ronan warned.

  “I was just telling Dare earlier that I’m having a security system with cameras installed.” She looked over to Annette. “I called them after you left today. Their tech was out or it would have been today. I’ll have to wait until Monday.”

  “Good, I’m glad you’re taking this seriously.” Annette pushed her drink aside as Bryan passed shots around the table. “Now the fun can begin.”

  For three hours, they talked and drank. He was actually having a good time with everyone. He didn’t go out in crowds often. Tonight, he was more focused on BJ and the group rather than what was going on around him. He could tell the day had weighed heavily on BJ. Her small hand squeezed his thigh as his arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her a little closer. He lightly kissed her cheek and asked if she was ready to leave. Her slight nod was all he needed.

  “Bryan, you mind if I show BJ what we’re working on?” he asked. It would be the perfect excuse to leave.

  “Yeah, go ahead. You did most of the work,” Bryan gave the okay.

  “We’re going to head on down there before we leave. Thanks for the invite, it was a pleasure.” He stood and pulled BJ chair out for her.

  They said their goodbyes. BJ went around the table, giving Annette and Braelynn hugs. He took her hand when she came back to him and lead her to the main door. BJ didn’t speak on the ride down, instead she laid her head against his chest.

  “Would you rather head straight out?” he asked, worried she was exhausted.

  “No, I want to see where you go every day,” she said sweetly.

  “You sure? You look tired,” he commented.

  “Yeah, what type of club is on the twelfth level?” She righted herself.

  “I’m not sure what type, I just know the design. It’s one of my favorites,” he admitted.

  “Why is that?”

  “You’ll see? It caters to those that are closer to nature,” he said as the elevator dinged and the door slid open.

  He took her through the double door that led into the club. It wasn’t finished, but the bar and some of the columns were finished. The tables had come in early and were spread throughout the club. He held her hand and led her to the bar.

  “You did that?” She pointed to the detailed carving on the bar.

sp; “Yep, down to every last leaf.” He ran his hand along the front of the bar.

  The forest scene had taken him weeks to complete. Ivy and small flowers weaved through the trees. Animals were hidden throughout the forest. The columns held the same detail on a larger scale. BJ ran her hand along one of the finished columns.

  “These really are amazing. You can pretty much carve anything, huh?” she asked, and he nodded. “So, you can carve a tiger on my half door?”

  “Anything for you.” He pressed his lips against hers.

  “I want a tiger.” She held back a yawn.

  “You already got me, but I think I need to get you home,” he offered. “I was going to see if you wanted to come back to my cabin. You know, come check out where I spend my nights without you.”

  “I really want to see your cabin, but I think I’ll have to take a raincheck.” She finally let her yawn out. He tried hard to fight the yawn that threatened to escape. It came out anyway, causing BJ to laugh.

  “Come on, kitten. Let’s get you home.” He put his arm around her as they headed out.

  On the way back to the Bakery, BJ had fallen asleep. He parked right in front of the bakery so she wouldn’t have to walk that far. He woke her up and took her keys. She was drowsy, so it was easier for him to unlock the door. He checked her apartment before leaving her to lock up behind him. He waited out front until she cut off the lights and went upstairs to her apartment. He pulled away when the lights came on upstairs.


  The bakery continued to have a slow showing of customers. More rumors were no doubt spreading around thanks to Mr. Jones and whoever he had working for him. BJ hoped it would pass soon. The rumors would die out and become a thing of the past and she would still be here. At least she still had some big orders from restaurants. It would have to be her bread and butter until her normal customers came back. Annette should be here shorty to pick up Tobias’ order. She thought about the order and remembered she had to call Annette. Her cell phone was upstairs on charge so she used the landline. When she put the phone up to her ear, a lot of static crackled in her ear. She hung the phone up and picked it back up, hoping the static was a glitch. Static was still in the line. She called Annette’s number but no one answered. BJ hung the phone back on the base as the bell over the door chimed.

  “I was just trying to call you,” she told Annette when she walked through the door.

  “Business slow again?” Annette asked looking around as she came up to the counter.

  “Oh no, a massive herd of people just left. Damn near wiped me out,” she said sarcastically.

  “Alright, smartass.” Annette rolled her eyes. “What were you calling me for?”

  “Oh, you didn’t specify if Tobias wanted a topping on the cheesecake he added to the order.” She didn’t want to leave it bare if he wanted a topping.

  “Shit, I left my phone at home.” Annette checked all her pockets. “Can I use yours?”

  “Mine’s on charge,” she answered. “You can use the landline. It’s a little staticky. It’s been like that since yesterday. I keep hoping I’ll pick it up and it’s magically fixed itself.”

  BJ wiped down the counter while Annette tried to talk to Tobias over the static.

  “No, he wants it plain.” Annette hung up the phone. “He needs a list of pies you make. He mentioned something about bears liking pies,” Annette laughed.

  “I can make practically any type of pie he wants.” She pulled out a menu she had been working on. Each item had been listed and priced for singles or batches. “It’s just a rough copy, but he can look over these.”

  “Excellent.” Annette took the paper menu.

  BJ went into the freezer to get the trays of yeast rolls Tobias ordered. She stacked the covered trays and brought them out to the sales counter.

  “Wow, that’s a stack.” Annette’s eyes widened.

  “Hold on, I think I may have a box in the back we can put these in. Might make it a little easier to carry.” Annette followed her to the back.

  “You and Dare have plans tonight?” Annette asked holding the storage room door open.

  “I haven’t call him. I didn’t realize in my buzzed state that when I plugged my charger into my phone that I accidentally unplugged my charger from the wall. I went half the day not even knowing my phone was dead.”

  “Bummer.” Annette frowned. “I can pass a message to him on my way up to the restaurant.”

  “No, it will be okay. I think he has the day off today.” She stacked the trays into the box she found then placed the cheesecake on top. “You need some help carrying this out?”

  “You can get the door for me. I parked right in front.” Annette scooped up the box and headed for the door.

  After Annette left, BJ called the telephone company. After telling them the problem, they agreed to come out by closing time today to take a look. An hour later a technician in a white jumper came through the door.

  “You got here quicker than I expected,” she said when he introduced himself.

  “I was in the area on another call when dispatch called.”

  “Well the sooner the better,” she said. “It’s right this way.”

  She showed him where the phone was and let him have his space to work. She watched as he worked and fumbled around with the phone base.

  “What’s that?” she asked as he slid something from the bottom of the phone base.

  “Oh, nothing.” He slid it into his bag.

  “I saw you pull something from the phone.”

  “That? It was a magnet to catch any loose components in the phone.” He placed the phone back on the counter. He listened to the phone and put it back on the hook and repeated the process.

  BJ didn’t believe him, but didn’t think he had a reason to lie to her either. He handed her the phone. The static was gone. The technician left just as quickly as he came. Normally, she would’ve had to sign something showing he was there. If he needed her signature, he’d be back. She shrugged it off. She had other things to do than worry about his paperwork.

  For the first time in months, BJ decided not to bake anything else that day. She didn’t want to waste food or time. She could spend the last few hours of work reading a book. She ran up stairs and grabbed her romance novel from the end table in her living room. On her way back down stairs, the bell chimed out. She rushed down the last few steps. A technician came in wearing a blue work jumper. He introduced himself as being from the same company.

  “Needed my signature after all?” She knew he forgot something.

  “I do but after I fix the phone. Which one is it?” he asked stepping up to the counter.

  “A technician named Dylan already fixed it. I thought you came back to get my signature.”

  “No one works with us by that name,” he told her. He looked at his phone and turned it toward her. “See? The work order is still active. Who ever fixed your phone wasn’t with us.”

  “Then who was he?” she asked.

  “Was he wearing a suit like this?” He waved his hand down his side. “Or a badge like this?” He held up his work idea badge that was hanging from his left pocket.

  “No, his jumper was white and he didn’t have a badge.”

  “Then he wasn’t with this company,” he told her.

  “Do you use magnets?” she asked on a whim.

  “No, for what?”

  “The man pulled something off the bottom of my phone he said it was a magnet he used but I don’t remember him grabbing it from his bag.”

  “Maybe it was a bug,” he suggested. “They’re not that hard to come by. There are different sizes but most I’ve seen are about the size of a round magnet. Fits in the palm of your hand, easy to conceal. Just stick it to a surface and you can hear everything going on in the room.”

  “Well, fudge nugget, that’s not good.”

  “Your husband suspects something,” the young man said.

  “Excuse you?”

  “Most times when someone has been bugged like that is because their spouse suspects them of cheating,” he told her with a shrug. “It’s not my place to judge.”

  “I assure you that’s not the case.” But she did know someone who might gain from it.

  “Well, if your phone is fixed, I’ll be heading out to the next work order. If you’ll just sign here indicating you no longer needed servicing.” He handed her his phone and stylus to sign her name.

  “Thanks for coming out. You were helpful regardless,” she said as he walked out.

  How could Mr. Jones have gotten the device under her phone without her knowing. If he did it the night of the rat incident then she would have heard the static for the past few days. The first time she remembered the static was yesterday when she called for the security system to be put in. He did it while she was stuck in the cooler. He must have been the person that came in before Annette. Nothing was missing because they came in to plant the bug. She searched high and low for anything out of the ordinary. She couldn’t call the cops with no proof that anything was even there to begin with.

  By 6 o’clock she had only served a couple of customers. She was ready to lock up for the evening. She still needed to search her apartment in case Mr. Jones was able to get any devices up there. She locked the bakery door and pushed to make sure it was indeed locked. On her way up to her apartment she turned off all the lights in the bakery.

  She looked around in her apartment, checking under everything that moved. She felt creeped out by the thought of someone listening in on her every moment. She turned on the radio and turned the volume up. If anyone was listening in, they were going to have a headache. She turned it up another notch for good measure. Tonight, she was going to relax and finish that book. She went to her kitchen to preheat the oven then pulled a small chicken pot pie out of the freezer. It would take almost an hour to cook, so she’d have plenty of time to jump in the shower. Waiting for the oven to preheat, she went to the bedroom. She grabbed her panties from the dresser.

  The stove beeped as she walked into the bathroom. Placing her panties by the sink, she went to the kitchen. She stuck the chicken pot pie in the oven and set the timer. On the way back to bathroom one of her favorite songs came on the radio. Her body swayed with the music. Singing along with Shania Twain, she stripped her clothes off, throwing them into the dirty clothes hamper. She turned the hot water on with just a little bit of cold. Steam rose up to the ceiling. Stepping into the shower the hot water jetted down onto her body. It was the pounding of the water on her back that had her choosing a shower over a hot bath.